2009-2010 Faculty Senate Meetings

Meeting Information

Usibelli Awards Reception will follow at Wood Center C-D

  • Agenda Word.doc [393KB] PDF [273KB]

    A possible motion is under consideration by Curricular Affairs for a new certificate in Rural Nutrition Services (pending further revisions of the proposal). If accepted, it will be an addition to the agenda at the Senate meeting.

Actions of Meeting #167

 Reports and Handouts for #167

New Certificate Program Proposal for Rural Nutrition Services

Revised version received April 30, 2010
Word document [3MB]

DATE & LOCATION CHANGED as of 2-10-2010
201 O'Neill Bldg., March 5, 2010


  • Agenda Word [261KB]    PDF [121KB]

For discussion: 
3-4-2010: Received updated draft
Draft AMP, v.23 (Word)
Copy of AMP Final Charge (PDF)

Word docs: earlier version
Cover letter to the Draft AMP 
Draft Academic Master Plan, v.22-1

Discussion Items and Unfinished Business

President's Statements (PDFs):
Academic Master Plan Draft
UA Presidential Search

Remaining motions on the Senate Bylaws' changes to reapportionment/membership will be included on #166 agenda.

Motion reaffirming ANLC/ANLP unit criteria will be included on #166 agenda.

Final Minutes #165 (Word document)
Final-Minutes-#165 (PDF)
Instructions to access audio conference recording were emailed to the Faculty Senate. Call x7964 or email 'fysenate' for instructions.

Actions of Meeting #165

Discussion Item will be included in #166 agenda:
Peer Observation Form for Seminar Teaching (Word)
Peer Observation Form (Word)

Draft Placement Tables: English, Dev. English, and Dev. Studies (Reading) Course Placement ScoresExcel Spreadsheets [146KB]

Draft - First Year Seminars Request for Proposals

Memo: NWCCU seeks Senate feedback on institutional eligibility requirements. (PDF)

Flyer: 2010 51风流官网 Graduate Student Conference

Outstanding Senator of the Year Award - Guidelines (PDF)
March 19 is the nomination deadline - not March 1.
Nominations for OSYA are now open.

For Curricular Affairs Committee:
Full program proposal for AAS, Drafting Technology (Word doc)

Agenda for #164 Word.doc [153KB]   PDF [35KB]
Minutes for #164 Word.doc [137KB] PDF [59KB]
3/10/2010: Attendance corrected; one minor edit to pg. 11, Rainer's comment.
Actions for #164 No actions
Reports for #164 1. FDAI Committee Meeting Minutes
2.Unit Criteria Committee Meeting Minutes

Outstanding Senator of the Year Award - Guidelines (PDF)
March 19 is the deadline for nominations (not Mar. 1).
Nominations for OSYA are now open.

Agenda for #163 Word.doc [208KB]   PDF [96KB]
Minutes for #163 Word.doc [154KB] PDF [80KB]
Actions for #163
1. Motion to Approve a Minor in American Sign Language - passed
2. Motion to Restrict Labs for Core Natural Science Courses - referred back to committee

Accreditation Core Themes: Floor vote details contained in Minutes. 
Results: Remove the word "sustainable" fromEngage theme. Keep the Discover theme components together.
Reports for #163
Agenda for #162 Word.doc [195KB]   PDF [96KB]
Minutes for #162 Word.doc [145KB]
Actions for #162 1. Motion to Reaffirm the Journalism Department Unit Criteria [PDF 573KB]
Reports for #162 11-9-09: Accreditation Core Themes as Discussed at Faculty Senate (Dana Thomas)


Powerpoint Presentation by Alex Hwu, CDE Director

Actions for Meeting #161

Alternative Form of Accreditation Core Themes (10-9-09)
Survey Results on Accreditation Core Themes - Updated as of 10-9-09
Accreditation Steering Committee Core Theme Notes of 9-28-09

Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics Unit Criteria (as rearranged)