ࡱ> >@=b Ajbjb{x{x $*'8 $w"@@"bbbbbb,Rbbbbbbb1bbb$b4 G0w  51 Faculty Development, Assessment, & Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes January 21, 2010 I. Josef Glowa called the meeting to order at 8:05 am. II. Roll call: Present: Josef Glowa, Kelly Houlton, Alexandra Oliveira, Melanie Arthur (and Gus!), Dana Greci, Marji Illingworth, Larry Roberts, Julie Joly III. Old Business a) Seminar Observation Template. Dana Greci framed the discussion by posing the following questions: Are we happy with what we have?, Are we ready to send something to Faculty Senate, or do we need to do some tweaking?, and Do we like the new forms which were forwarded by Dana to the committee? Josef Glowa noted that, with the americanized form of the British instrument in hand, we can pick and choose from the two forms to create our own instrument. Dana Greci has notes from the Harvard presentation ("The Art of Discussion Leading: a class with Chris Christensen") which can inform and extend our form. Kelly Houlton likes the self-assessment questions which were part of the British instrument, and felt they would be helpful to new faculty in particular. Josef suggested that these questions could be presented as an attachment to our observation form, which the observer could pass on to faculty. In conclusion, it was decided that the next step will be to draft our own form, borrowing from these and the Harvard presentation. Josef Glowa and Dana Greci will take the lead. They will circulated their work via email to the committee for acceptance, and subsequently take that instrument to the next Faculty Administrative meeting to get their support before presenting it to the full Faculty Senate. It is anticipated that a draft will be circulated via email in the next week or so. b) Faculty Forum for Spring Semester. The forum has the tentative theme/title: Academic Duty or What do we give back for the joy of having tenure?. Josef noted that we need to decide on a topic and date. He suggested that the title be alterered since many attendees may not (yet) have tenure. Dana Greci found it difficult to separate duty from freedom, and suggests that duty seems a little depressing. Larry Roberts,pointed out that since the idea for the forum came from Kennedys book, AcademicDuty, perhaps we should change the focus of the forum to a book review. It was decidedto schedule the forum for a Friday Noon 1:00 pm in late March to early April (afterSpring Break). Josef Glowa will contact Paul Reichardt to check on his availability topresent at the Forum. Josef will try to get an audio conference room in Wood Center forthe Forum (note added in proof: since this was not possible, the forum will be held atHonors House). It was suggested that extra copies of Kennedys book be put on reservein the library, and if possible some copies be sent to the rural campuses as well. It wassuggested that Joy Morrison may know of other books to include in a bibliography. c) Using Online Student Evaluations of Instruction. Kelly Houlton reported that Dana Thomas says that only some Distance courses are using electronic evaluations at the present time, but this is the direction that 51 is headed. He suggested that we invite Sarah Lewis (Provosts Office), who is currently looking into electronic evaluations, to our next committee meeting. Kelly mentioned Joy Morrison's idea of using Survey Monkey to him, and he said that it would be necessary to use a nationally recognized program. Marji Illingsworth pointed out that we need to get some rural faculty involved at this point to obtain their input on any change in the present process, since some rural sites still do not have reliable internet access. It is important to bring these concerns to Faculty Senate before an irreversible decision is made to go completely to electronic evaluations. Melanie Arthur will be meeting soon with UNAC representative at UAA who worked on starting up their electronic evaluation process in order to get information and advice from them. Marji Illingworth suggested that we also need to think about the validity and cultural acceptability of nationally recognized programs; specifically, the act of criticism is something that is not culturally appropriate for some people. Thus, care needs to be taken that questions are framed and formulated in a positive way. Dana Greci noted that some of the wording on the present forms can be alienating for many people. Melanie Arthur said that IDEA (used at UAA) is well-regarded and can be used in either a paper-based or an electronic delivery mode. In conclusion, Kelly Houlton will invite Sarah Lewis to our next meeting so the committee can learn about the present status and thinking about electronic evaluations, and so that the committee will have the opportunity to present our concerns about the use of electronic evaluations. IV. New Business Larry Roberts announced that the website for the Lilly Arctic Institute on Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is up and running (the link was circulated in a subsequent email from Larry). Dana Greci volunteered to help with the conference in Valdez. V. Points of Order Dana Greci will send out a Doodle poll to the committee members to find the most optimum time for future meetings this semester. Members are requested to respond promptly. VI. Next Meeting: February 18, 8-9 am, Bunnell 222 Adjourned at 9:05 am. Respectfully submitted by K. Houlton and C. Price. 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