Phi Alpha Honor Society

Welcome to the Kappa Xi Chapter of the Phi Alpha!


Phi Alpha Honor Society is a certified member of the Association of College Honors Societies. As social work鈥檚 largest and internationally recognized honors society, Phi Alpha invites students who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work to apply for membership. The purposes of a national honor society are to provide closer bonds among social work students and to promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Membership demonstrates high academic excellent and standards and is respected by employers, social workers, and college admissions.


Chapter Opportunities

  • Chapter meetings
  • Chapter recruitment efforts (supported by the national organization)
  • Lead or assist with a community or national service project
  • Serve in a chapter leadership position, such as President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer


Current Chapter Leadership

  Open, seeking member to fulfill

Vice President: Open, seeking member to fulfill

Secretary/Treasurer: Open, seeking member to fulfill


Some membership benefits

  • Lifetime Phi Alpha Honor Society Membership 
  • Membership certificate, card, and lapel pin
  • Honor cord and/or stole (provided by our chapter as funding allows)
  • Leadership experience as a chapter officer
  • Opportunity to lead and/or participate in a service project
  • Looks good on your graduate school application and on your resume
  • Competitive awards/grants/scholarships available: 
    • Advisor of the Year
    • Chapter Grants
    • Chapter Service Award
    • Poster Presentation Competition
    • MSW Scholarship
    • Patty Gibbs-Wahlberg Scholarship (BSW)
    • Student Leadership Award

Additionally, our chapter is able to award two membership cost scholarships per academic year for those in financial need.

Social Work

Requirements for membership 

  • Declared Social Work major
  • Sophomore standing
  • Completed 9 semester hours of required social work courses. The courses listed must be designated SWK.
  • 3.25 grade point average in Social Work classes
  • 3.0 overall grade point average
  • $30.00 membership fee
  • Completed application form during one of two application periods a year.



Application period


There are two application periods a year, at the beginning of the fall semester and the spring semester. This gives students more opportunities to apply to and be involved in our chapter. Official induction ceremonies are done once per academic year, at the end of the spring semester. Members who are new and/or not yet inducted are encouraged to participate. 



Contact information:

Faculty advisor: Christina Ireton, LCSW

Phi Alpha Honor Society Kappa Xi Chapter
Social Work Department
P.O. Box 756480
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6480

Phone: 907-474-6513