
Expenditures in this sub account group represent the cost associated with faculty or staff development, other training program costs and for memberships in professional organizations.

Expenditures for training programs for faculty and staff as well as departmental in-house training programs, materials, supplies, videotapes, etc.

Dues and membership costs incurred for affiliation with business, technical, professional and university organizations which are allowable under 2 CFR 搂 200.454. Use account code 3663 for dues and membership costs associated with civic, community, country clubs, social or dining clubs or organizations.

Dues and membership costs for affiliation with civic, community, country club, social or dining clubs or organizations. These expenditures are permissible under UA policy and regulation, but are unallowable for the Facilities and Administrative cost rate calculation per 2 CFR 搂 200.454. Use account code 3662 for dues and memberships associated with business, technical, professional, and university organizations.