Capstone in Climate and Environmental Change

Students in the Climate and Environmental Change program showcase and reflect upon their best work within a web-based ePortfolio, which serves as the capstone project for the major. The ePortfolio summarizes the student鈥檚 accomplishments and serves to integrate and synthesize the student鈥檚 experiences across classes. The ePortfolio may be shared broadly in order to inform potential employers and postgraduate mentors about the student鈥檚 capabilities and potential. 

Students receive assistance from faculty and peers when building the ePortfolio within a 1-credit class, CLIM F440 Climate and Environmental Change Capstone ePortfolio.

The purpose of the ePortfolio is threefold:

(1) To showcase each student鈥檚 best work related to climate and environmental change;

(2) To encourage the student to reflect on what they gained from classes that span natural and social science, communication, mathematics, and technical expertise in order to identify common themes of personal importance;

(3) To encourage the student to present examples of their work that highlight their skills, accomplishments, and values in a digital mode that can be shared with potential employers or mentors, during the transition from undergraduate study to a career or advanced study.


building behind trees