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March 20 2009, and April 24 2009. Criteria Considered: Anthropology: These criteria were previously approved and posted on the Provost web site. The committee gave their re-approval of these criteria on October 22 2008. The criteria were sent forward to the Faculty Senate, where they also were approved in November 2009. School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences; Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station: These criteria were first submitted on October 22 2008. Suggestions were made by both the committee and the Provost. The criteria were resubmitted for the January 16 2009 meeting. The criteria were approved by the committee on March 20 2009 and sent forward to the Faculty Senate for the May 2009 meeting. Math and Science: These criteria were first submitted on November 17 2008. The committee had many suggestions on various parts of the criteria and the criteria were returned to the department. The criteria were resubmitted for the January 16 2009 meeting and John Gimbel attended the meeting to ask and answer questions. Much time was spent on these criteria at this meeting. The criteria were re-submitted for the March 20 2009 meeting where they also were not approved due primarily to verbiage on the use of years needed for promotion and tenure (making it time-based) and using paid “service” as service. Math and Science re-submitted the criteria on March 24 2009. At this time, they were sent forward to the Administrative Committee and the “time” and “paid service” concerns were raised again. The criteria were forwarded to Labor Relations, where suggestions were made. Appropriate changes were made at this time and the criteria were approved by the committee on April 24. They were then forwarded to the Faculty Senate for the May 2009 meeting. Natural Sciences: These criteria were reviewed by the committee on December 1 2008. The committee made many suggestions and the criteria were returned to the department. We are currently waiting for a resubmission of these criteria. Marine Advisory Program: These criteria were first submitted on March 20 2009. A few suggestions were made to the department and the criteria were returned to the committee on March 23 2009. At this time the criteria were approved and forwarded to the Faculty Senate. They were approved by the Faculty Senate at the April meeting. Department of Communication: These criteria were first submitted on March 20 2009. A few suggestions were made but the department declined to make any changes. The committee approved these criteria and they were sent forward to the Faculty Senate, where they were approved at the April meeting.  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