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Prerequisites: ME 334, MATH 302 or equivalent; graduate standing in engineering. Text: Fundamentals of Ceramics, by M. W. Barsoum, Taylor and Francis, Bristol, UK. 2003, ISBN-13: 9780750309028 Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, by William D. Callister, Jr., Wiley; 7th edition (February 17, 2006), ISBN-10: 0471736961 Selected handout materials will also be distributed in the class. Instructor: Dr. Jing Zhang (office: 323 DUCK, ext. 6135, jzhang6@alaska.edu) Course objectives: Upon completion, students should be able to: Gain the knowledge of atomic structure, interatomic bonding. Characterize physical properties (mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, optical etc.) of metals, ceramics, polymer and composites. Apply the concept of microstructure-processing-property relationship to analyze engineering materials. Understand the basic concept of nanotechnology and computational tools in materials science. Topics covered: Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding; The Structure of Crystalline Solids; Imperfections in Solids; Diffusion; Mechanical Properties of Metals; Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms; Failure; Phase Diagrams; Structures and Properties of Ceramics; Applications and Processing of Ceramics; Polymer Structures; Characteristics, Applications, and Processing of Polymers; Composites; Corrosion and Degradation of Materials; Electrical Properties; Thermal Properties; Optical Properties. Class schedule: Lecture: Tue & Thu., 3:00pm – 4:00pm @ DU 333 Lab: Mon & Wed. 3:00pm – 4:30pm @ DU 340 Office hours: Tuesday, 11:00am-12:00pm Course web site: http://classes.uaf.edu/ Laboratory: There is a laboratory component of this class. There will be approximately four (4) labs during the semester. Attendance in the laboratory is mandatory. Student assistant or the instructor will help operate and supervise the labs. Most laboratory assignments will be done in groups of three, but each person will be responsible for writing their own report. Course calendar (Tentative): Date Mtg. Topic Chapters 21-Jan. 1 Course introduction Ch. 1 26-Jan. 2 Atomic structures and interatomic bonding Ch. 2 28-Jan. 3 Structure of crystalline solids 1 Ch. 3 2-Feb. 4 Structure of crystalline solids 2 Ch. 3 4-Feb. 5 Quiz 1, recitations (TA) Ch. 1-3 9-Feb. 6 Imperfections in solids 1 Ch. 4 11-Feb. 7 Imperfections in solids 2 Ch. 4 16-Feb. 8 Diffusions Ch. 5 18-Feb. 9 Mechanical properties of metals Ch. 6 22-Feb. 10 Dislocations & strengthening mechanisms Ch. 7 23-Feb. 11 1st mid-term, submission of project topic Ch. 1-7 25-Feb. 12 Failure Ch. 8 2-Mar. 13 Phase diagram 1 Ch. 9 4-Mar. 14 Phase diagram 2 Ch. 9 Spring recess (8-Mar. – 12-Mar.) Enjoy! 16-Mar. 15 Quiz 2, recitation (TA) 18-Mar. 16 Structures and properties of ceramics Ch. 12 23-Mar. 17 Polymer structures Ch. 14 25-Mar. 18 Characteristics, Processing of polymers Ch. 15 30-Mar. 19 Composites Ch. 16 1-Apr. 20 Corrosion Ch. 17 6-Apr. 21 2nd mid-term Ch. 8,9,12,14-17 8-Apr. 22 Electrical properties Ch. 18 13-Apr. 23 Thermal properties Ch. 19 15-Apr. 24 Optical properties Ch. 20 20-Apr. 25 Project presentation and submission of report 1 22-Apr. 26 Project presentation and submission of report 2 27-Apr. 27 Project presentation and submission of report 3 29-Apr. 28 Project presentation and submission of report 4 4-May help session, no class 6-May 29 Final exam (in class) Comprehensive Grading: *Journal club: 15 % (*A journal club is a group of individuals who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles in scientific literature. Journal clubs are usually organized around a defined subject in basic or applied research. (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journal_club) Homework: 25% (20% off pts for being late one day. No pts for over five days.) Two quizzes: 15% Two exams: 20% Final exam: 25% Course policies: Attendance is required. Class participation is considered for final grade. Make-up homework assignments and exams are possible only by prior approval by the instructor. Plagiarism will result in a fail grade. Disabilities Services: The Office of Disability Services implements the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and insures that 51·ēĮ÷¹ŁĶų students have equal access to the campus and course materials. The instructor will work with the Office of Disabilities Services (203 WHIT, 474-7043) to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities. %&'(*123678T‹–—˜Ŗ­Å Ę Ē Č Ź ÷ļ÷ļęŚĪŚĪĀŚĀĪ½±Ī„Ī”“ˆ{oaSah0^ƒhŸY5>*CJaJh0^ƒhP5>*CJaJhG~hRMń>*CJaJhG~hRMń0JCJaJhG~hRMńCJaJh0^ƒhRMń5>*CJaJhPhG~hG~5CJaJhG~hccö5CJaJ hP5hG~h¹eĘ5CJaJhG~hP5CJaJhG~häX5CJaJhP5CJaJhG~hP5hG~hL3|58U—˜­Å Ę    ‰  Y Z § Ø » é & ° śśśõķķõõõąąąąŠĄõõ»°° $ & Fa$gdgfśgdgfś$„Š„0ż^„Š`„0ża$gdVnŸ$„Š„0ż^„Š`„0ża$gd­+¢ $„Š„0ż^„Š`„0ża$$a$gdRMń$a$$a$jżŹ Ė Ó Õ ×       7 ‰ »  X Y Z d e f | } “ ¢ § ņäŁĪĆŁøŖŁŸ“Ÿ‡Łø|qcq[qSqHqhG~h¼=.CJaJh0^ƒCJaJhVnŸCJaJh0^ƒh™1ś5>*CJaJhG~h™1śCJaJhG~h­+¢CJaJhG~hP>*CJaJhG~hR@>*CJaJhG~hR@CJaJh0^ƒh­+¢5>*CJaJhG~hRMńCJaJhG~hgfśCJaJhG~hČ_ CJaJhG~hPCJaJh0^ƒhP5>*CJaJh0^ƒh×Dā5>*CJaJ§ Ø ¹ » t u ƒ op~€‰‘’“”•”©­ÖŲäęķļž’óåŚĻŚåŚĆåŚø­¢—¢Œ¢ø­v­åŚkŒkŚ_åĆShG~hP5CJaJhG~hv¾>*CJaJhG~hŽ?¦CJaJhG~h“>‚CJaJhG~h¼=.CJaJhG~h $WCJaJhG~h[V”CJaJhG~h¤ CJaJhG~høEąCJaJhG~h 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