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Include both Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal Family Education Loans.H5YReport the average per-borrower cumulative undergraduate indebtedness of those in line H4New Mexico StateNo DateIf institutional financial aid is available for undergraduate degree-seeking nonresident aliens, provide the number of undergraduate degree-seeking nonresident aliens who were awarded need-based or non-need-based aid:Data UnavailablepAverage dollar amount of institutional financial aid awarded to undergraduate degree-seeking nonresident aliens:nTotal dollar amount of institutional financial aid awarded to undergraduate degree-seeking nonresident aliens:(Process for First-Year/Freshman StudentsH7fCheck off all financial aid forms domestic first-year (freshman) financial aid applicants must submit:$Institution s own financial aid formCSS/Financial Aid PROFILE1International Student s Financial Aid Application1International Student s Certification of FinancesOther (specify):H8dCheck off all financial aid forms nonresident alien first-year financial aid applicants must submit:FAFSA%Institutions's own financial aid formState aid form4Noncustodial (Divorced/Separated) Parent's StatementBusiness/Farm SupplementFederal Tax FormsH99Indicate filing dates for first-year (freshman) students:5Priority date for filing required financial aid forms0Deadline for filing required financial aid formsQNo deadline for filing required forms (applications processed on a rolling basis)H103Indicate notification dates for first-year students51 Idaho State Montana StateNorth Dakota State Oregon StateUniversity IdahoUniversity MaineH1H. FINANCIAL AID&Aid Awarded to Enrolled Undergraduates[Indicate the academic year for which data are reported for items H1, H2, H2A, and H6 below:H3YWhich needs-analysis methodology does your institution use in awarding institutional aid?Federal methodology (FM)Institutional methodology (IM)Both FM and IM)a) Students notified on or about (date):Bb) Students notified on a rolling basis (starting date reported):H11Indicate reply dates:Students must reply by (date):Rolling(or within how many weeks of notificationTypes of Aid AvailableLoans AvailableH121Federal Direct Student Loan Program (Direct Loan) Direct Subsidized Stafford Loans"Direct Unsubsidized Stafford LoansDirect PLUS Loans,Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL)FFEL Subsidized Stafford Loans FFEL Unsubsidized Stafford LoansFFEL PLUS Loans Other LoansFederal Perkins LoansFederal Nursing Loans State Loans1College/university loans from institutional fundsOther/Private Loans from various lending institutionsPrivate Ed. Loans!Scholarships and Grants AvailableH13 Need Based Federal PellSEOGState scholarships/grantsPrivate scholarshipsDCollege/university scholarship or grant aid from institutional fundsUnited Negro College FundFederal Nursing ScholarshipFederal ACG and Smart GrantH145Check off criteria used in awarding institutional aidNon- Need Based Need- Based AcademicsAlumni affiliationArt Athletics Job skillsROTC LeadershipMinority status Music/dramaReligious affiliationState/district residencyAid to Undergraduate Degree-seeking Nonresident Aliens (Note: Report numbers and dollar amounts for the same academic year checked in item H1.)6H6Indicate your institutions's policy regarding institutional scholarship and grant aid for undergraduate degree-seeking nonresident aliens:>Institutional need-based scholarship or grant aid is availableBInstitutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid is available7Institutional scholarship or grant aid is not available2007-2008 estimated2006-2007 finalUniversity Wyoming  g!$&- '? 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