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Report information only for those students from whom you collected high school GPA.&Percent who had GPA of 3.75 and higher)Percent who had GPA between 3.50 and 3.74)Percent who had GPA between 3.25 and 3.49)Percent who had GPA between 3.00 and 3.24)Percent who had GPA between 2.50 and 2.99(Percent who had GPA between 2.0 and 2.49(Percent who had GPA between 1.0 and 1.99Percent who had GPA below 1.0Totals should = 100%C12nAverage high school GPA of all degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who submitted GPA: \Percent of total first-time, first-year (freshman) students who submitted high school GPA: Admission PoliciesC13Application FeeNew Mexico State.Does your institution have an application fee?YAmount of application fee:4Can it be waived for applicants with financial need?NC14Application closing date7Does your institution have an application closing date?"Application closing date (fall): Priority date: C15?Are first-time freshmen accepted for terms other than the fall?C16&On a rolling basis beginning (date): Mar No set date By (date): Other: HNotification to applicants of admission decision sent (fill in one only)63High school diploma is required and GED is acceptedx7High school diploma is required and GED is not accepted1High school diploma or equivalent is not requiredC4mDoes your institution require or recommend a general college-preparatory program for degree-seeking students?Require RecommendNeither require nor recommendC5UnitsReqRecTotal academic unitsEnglish MathematicsScience% Of these, units that must be lab:Foreign languageSocial studiesHistoryAcademic electivesOther (specify)PDistribution of high school units required and/or recommended. Specify the distribution of academic high school course units required and/or recommended of all or most degree-seeking students using Carnegie units (one unit equals one year of study or its equivalent). If you use a different system for calculating units, please convert.> Freshman ProfileC10Percent of all degree-seeking, first-time, first-year (freshman) students who had high school class rank within each of the following ranges (report information for those students from whom you collected high school rank information).4Percent in top tenth of high school graduating class6Percent in top quarter of high school graduating class3Percent in top half of high school graduating classC17Must reply by (date): No set date: 51 Idaho State Montana StateNorth Dakota State Oregon StateUniversity IdahoUniversity Maine Utah State.C. FIRST-TIME, FIRST-YEAR (FRESHMAN) ADMISSION ApplicationsC17Total first-time, first-year (freshman) men who applied9Total first-time, first-year (freshman) women who applied=Total first-time, first-year (freshman) men who were admitted?Total first-time, first-year (freshman) women who were admittedCTotal full-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) men who enrolledCTotal part-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) men who enrolledETotal full-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) women who enrolledETotal part-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) women who enrolledC2Freshman wait-listed students (students who met admission requirements but whose final admission was contingent on space availability);Do you have a policy of placing students on a waiting list?5Number of qualified applicants placed on waiting list,Number accepting a place on the waiting list'Number of wait-listed students admittedAdmission RequirementsC3"High school completion requirementFirst-time, first-year, (freshmen) students: Provide the number of degree-seeking, first-time, first-year students who applied, were admitted, and enrolled (full- or part-time) in fall 2007. Include early decision, early action, and students who began studies during summer in this cohort. Applicants should include only those students who fulfilled the requirements for consideration for admission (i.e., who completed actionable applications) and who have been notified of one of the following actions: admission, nonadmission, placement on waiting list, or application withdrawn (by applicant or institution). Admitted applicants should include wait-listed students who were subsequently offered admission.- CIf yes, please answer the questions below for fall 2007 admissions:University WyomingComputer ScienceVisual/Performing Arts!Provide percentages for ALL enrolled, degree-seeking, full-time and part-time, first-time, first-year (freshman) students enrolled in fall 2007, including students who began studies during summer, international students/nonresident aliens, and students admitted under special arrangements.pqz9Percent in bottom quarter of high school graduating classz S E!-z"# Q$ $V 'L v( 7)+,'cc L #2? @  dMbP?_*+%&CCommon Data Set 2004-05 &A&RPage &P"X XX??U} m} } }  m} $} #h;@@@     X@@ \  "%$$$$$$$$$$$$& % ']$$$$$$$$$$$& ^ p"&( !!!!!!!!!!!)% 3T 3U 3V 3 3W  3X  3Y  3Z  3[  3r  (^ _ B4`@5p@5z@5Ԣ@5*@5?@5@5@5f@5@ (^ ` B6@5@5@5@5@5,@5@5@5Ԫ@5@ "(7""899999999:  (^ a B 6@5@5@5@5H@5@50@5@5@58@   (^ b B 6h@5@5@5@5ԛ@5~@5@5"@5"@5ܙ@  " (7//899999999: (^ c B 6y@5؂@50@5Ў@5$@5@5@5@5@5@   (^ d B 6P@5@h@5]@5@@55@5P@58@5C@5@]@5@  "(7//899999999:  (^ e B6w@5@5@5@5@@5,@5@5h@50@5 @  (^ f B6X@5s@5 `@53@5?51@51@5B@5[@5@ "%$$$$$$$$$$$$& g h "*$$$$$$$$$$$$& % 3T 3U 3V 3 3W  3X  3Y  3Z  3[  3r"*$$$##$$$$$$$&  (g i  -$ -$ -$ -$ -$  -$  -$  -!  -$  -$"(;;;<<<<<<<<<=  (g q./.......0  (g j1211111 ~  1S@  11 (g k1211111 ~  1B@  11  +g l1111111 ~  17@  11 B X2&:B*pz0zz&zz0zz&>&00HT^T  " "< >@       7  L "AX|Y  dMbP?_*+%=:&LC3-C5: CDS 2004-05 Peer Institution Comparatives Project"dXX??U} I} m0} } "hA;;@AAAA A ;@ A A AAA@ @@AAAAAAAAAAAAA \8>>>>:?....................0@@@@B 'm6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&CCCC n o6DDDD2EF$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$& (nG T U V   W  X Y Z [ r (n H3  4 4 4  4  4 4 4 4 4 (n I5 4, (n H6.2 J....................0 7 8. 2 KLMMM7...............0 (7 N T  U  V   W X Y  Z  [  r  (7 H9 4  4  4  4 4 4  4  4  4  (7 I:. 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