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The required information is listed below: Key Personnel Education Date Education Program Name of 51 Personnel  FORMTEXT MM/YYYY  FORMTEXT List Program Number Name of 51 Personnel  FORMTEXT MM/YYYY  FORMTEXT List Program Number Name of Non 51 Personnel  FORMTEXT See enclosed letter from collaborating Institution Name of Non 51 Personnel  FORMTEXT See enclosed letter from collaborating Institution Sincerely, NAME (OGCA AOR)  FORMTEXT Fill in PI's name for co-signature Title Principal Investigator Office of Grants and Contracts Administration Education Program Description(s) 1. Web-Based Instruction on Conducting Human Research: An interactive web-based program that provides information on conducting human research and the informed consent process. The program, organized into five modules, includes detailed information, examples and exercises related to basic principles, history, the consent form process and after approval requirements such as continuing review and adverse events.     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