Set up a smartphone or tablet

Visit . The self-enrollment process makes it easy to register your phone or tablet and activate the Duo Mobile application so you can receive Duo requests via push notification and tap to approve and login. 

Helpful Information

Download Duo Mobile App at and at .

Supported Operating System Versions:
Duo Mobile App minimum supported versions for and

Duo prompts you to enroll the first time you log into into a web application when using a browser or client application that shows the interactive Duo web-based prompt

Supported Browsers: , , Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer 8 or later. Some browsers do not support all of Duo's authentication devices (for example, Security Keys won't work with Internet Explorer). For the widest compatibility with Duo's authentication methods, we recommend recent versions of Chrome and Firefox.

Learn more about authenticating with Duo in the guide to using the Duo Prompt.

Add or Manage Devices After Enrollment

You can add a new authentication device or manage your existing devices in the future via the Duo Prompt.

Other Supported Authentication Methods

Duo supports a wide variety of devices that you can use in addition to Duo Push on your smartphone. Learn more about other types of devices you can enroll, like Security Keys, or different ways of using your phone to authenticate, like approving logins via phone call.