Registration open for adult non-credit courses

Two people ascend a climbing wall on the 51风流官网 campus.
Attendees ascend the rock climbing wall on the Troth Yeddha' Campus.

Registration is open for three non-credit classes this semester through 51风流官网 Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning.

  1. Knitting for the Beginner: Mondays and Friday, Feb. 3-10, 6-9 p.m., with instructor Ginny Kinne
  2. Introduction to Pickleball: Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 4-25, noon- 1 p.m., with instructor Kayla Clark
  3. An Intro to Rock Climbing, Wednesdays, March 19-April 23, 6-7:30 p.m., with instructor Michelle Johannsen

For more information or to register go to the Summer Sessions community classes webpage, call Summer Sessions at 907-474-7021, or email