NASA webinar and spring internships deadline
Apply for a NASA Internship for the Spring semester! before the application deadline of Nov. 7, 2022.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center student interns pose with BETTI, the Balloon Experimental Twin Telescope for Infrared Interferometry.
On Nov. 2 from noon to 1:30 p.m., a NASA will go over “How to write a federal resume and how to apply for NASA internships with OSTEM and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.â€
An in-person viewing will also happen that day and time in Duckering 353.
The will be available via Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 236 757 826 06
Passcode: 2PCuxH
This event is promoted by the .
Questions about the program can be sent via email or called in to 907-474-6833.