Discord for Math & Stat Classes
Students have access to a student-run Discord server where you can chat/ask questions
about mathematics, statistics, and computer science classes! You are encouraged to
join channels which correspond to classes you are enrolled in, ask questions, and
see what your classmates are talking about. Your professors may answer questions there,
too (as well as by email, office hours, etc.).
To get started visit, and login with your UA account (they do not see your password). From there, you will
be presented with the list of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science courses.
Select the one(s) you want to join by checking the box. There is no need to hit a
submit or ok button since it is all updated live. The system will have you sign into
Discord too, so it knows what Discord user to update. If you don鈥檛 have a Discord
account, then it will also set one up for you.
- If you are having issues or need help you can tag an admin with the @admin and send
a message to ask for help!
Official Discord getting started guide