Gordon Williams

2009 | Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington 2002, PhD
CH 306D | 907-474-2756
I’m a discrete geometer, which means that I study geometric objects (shapes) that
are described in terms of their distinct component parts. For example, a cube can
be thought of as being made up of a collection of eight vertices, 12 edges, and six
square faces. Most of my research is focused on questions about the role of symmetry
in investigating the structure of discrete geometric objects. For example, it’s been
known since antiquity that there are only five 3-dimensional solids that are regular, and we know them as the Platonic solids, but the story becomes much more interesting
once we drop requirements like convexity, or consider the possibilities available
in other dimensions or geometric spaces, or require less stringent amounts of symmetry
than regularity. Important applications of this kind of discrete geometry arise in areas including
microbiology and crystallography, and have inspired a lot of creative activity and
analytical tools in the arts.
Highlighted works:
- Berman, I. Kovacs, and G. Williams. On the flag graphs of regular abstract polytopes: Hamiltonicity and Cayley index. Disc. Math., 343(1):1–16, January 2020.
- W. Berman, G. G. Chappell, C. Hartman, J. Faudree, J. Gimbel, and G. I. Williams. On graphs with proper connection number 2. Theory and Applications of Graphs, 8(2):Article 2, 2021.
- Monson, D. Pellicer, and G. I. Williams. Mixing and monodromy of abstract polytopes. Trans. of the AMS, 366:2651–2681, 2014.
- Pellicer and G. I. Williams. Pyramids over regular 3-tori. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 32(1):249– 265, January 2018.
- Schulte, P. Soberon, and G. I. Williams. Prescribing symmetries and automorphisms for polytopes. In Polytopes and Discrete Geometry, Contemporary Mathematics, volume 764 of Contemp. Math., pages 221–233, Providence, RI, 2021. Amer. Math. Soc.