Jill Faudree

1998 | Professor of Mathematics
Emory University 1998, PhD
CH 306B 907-474-7385
My research interests have been primarily in an area of pure mathematics called Graph Theory. Graph Theory is the study of rather simple objects consisting of sets and pairs of elements of that set and are typically visualized as drawings made of dots (called vertices) and lines or curves between the dots (called edges). Though simple, these types of graphs model a vast range of situations from communications networks to scheduling problems.
The focus of my research has been in what is called structural graph theory and extremal graph theory. I look for conditions guaranteeing certain cycle and path structures in graphs. I am also interested in identifying when graphs have a sort of ``threshold" property where the addition of a single edge changes some crucial property of the graph.
Highlighted works:
Berman, G. Chappell, J. Faudree, J. Gimbel, C. Hartman, G. Williams, On Graphs with ProperConnection Number 2, Theory and Applications of Graphs, vol. 8, issue 2, article 2.
Araujo-Pardo, Z. Berikkyzy, J. Faudree, K. Hogenson, R. Kirsch, L. Lesniak and J. McDonald.Finding Long Cycles in Balanced Tripartite Graphs: A First Step. In Daniela Ferrero et al. (eds)
Research Trends in Graph Theory, Association for Women in Mathematics Series (in production)
Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland (2021).
Berman, P. DeOrsey, J. Faudree, T. Pisanski, A. Zitnik, Chiral Astral Realization of Cyclic 3-Congurations, Discrete Comput Geom (2020).
Faudree Courage by Experiment, Rescue by Data, PRIMUS (2020), 1-9.
Faudree, R. Faudree, R. Gould, P. Horn, M. Jacobson, Degree Sum Conditions and Vertex Dominating Paths J. Graph Theory 89 (2018), no. 3, 250-265.