CNSM Emeritus

* Indicates Deceased Emeritus Faculty

Akasofu, Syun-ichi, Physics
Years of service: 1958-2007

Beget, James, Geosciences
Years of service: 1984-2016

Belon, Albert E., Physics
Years of service: 1956-1983

Benson, Carl S., Geosciences
Years of service: 1960-1987

Biswas, Nirendra, N., Geosciences
Years of service: 1971-2003

Bowyer R Terry, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1986-2004

Braddock, Joan F., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1990-2009

Brundage, Arthur, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1968-1985

Bryant, John P.
Years of service: 1977-1999

Button, Don K., Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1964-2005

*Cashen, William R., Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1942-1974

Chapin III, F. Stuart Terry, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1973-1989; 1996-2011

Christensen, Douglas, Geosciences
Years of service: 1988-2018

Clausen, Thomas, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1994-2011

Craven, John D., Physics
Years of service: 1991-2009

Davis, Neil, Physics
Years of service: 1953-1982

Dean, Frederick, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1954-2001

Deehr, Charles, Physics
Years of service: 1958-1988

Dinkel, Don
Years of service: 1960-1983

*Distad, Jack, Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1955-1994

*Echelmeyer, Keith A., Geosciences
Years of service: 1984-2005

Eichelberger, John C., Geosciences
Years of service: 1991-2007

*Forbes, Robert B., Geosciences
Years of service: 1959-1977

Gatterdam, Ronald W., Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1982-2003

Gislason, Gary A., Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1970-2001

Guthrie, Dale R., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1963-1996

Hallinan, Thomas, Physics
Years of service: 1997

Hanks, Catherine, Geosciences
Years of service: 1992-2017

Harbo, Samuel, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1964-1986

Harrison, William D., Physics
Years of service: 1972-1998

Hawkins, Daniel B., Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1967-1990

Head, Thomas J., Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1965-1988

*Hessler, Victor P., Physics        
Years of service: 1955-1968

*Hopkins, David M., Geosciences
Years of service: 1985-1994

*Hoskins, Claron L., Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1965-1994

Hundertmark, Kris, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 2005-2019

*Irving, Laurence, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1962-1975

*Jayaweera, Kolf O., Physics
Years of service: 1970-1991

Kan, Joseph R., Physics
Years of service: 1972-2003

Keller, John, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1979-2011

Keskinen, Mary, Geosciences
Years of service: 1984-2016

*Kessel, Brina, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1951-1999

Klein, David, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1962-1997

Kuhn, Thomas, Biochemistry & Neuroscience
Years of service: 2004-2020

Lambert, John P., Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1982-1998

Lando, Barbara, Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1969-1990

Lando, Clifton, Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1969-1999

*Logsdon, Charles
Years of service: 1953-1978

Lynch, Donald, Geosciences
Years of service: 1970-1998

MacLean, Stephen, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1971-1997

*Mather, Keith B., Physics
Years of service: 1986

McGuire, David Anthony, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1995-2019

M枚lders, Carmen Nicole, Atmospheric Sciences
Years of service: 2001-2021

Morack, John L., Physics
Years of service: 1975-1999

Morrison, Peter R., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1963-1974

Morrow, James E., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1960-1977

Murphy, Edward C., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1977-2007

Newberry, Ranier, Geology
Years of service: 1982-2020

Nielsen, Hans, Physics
Years of service: 1967-2010

Ohtake, Tedeshi, Physics
Years of service: 1964-1988

*Olson, John V., Physics
Years of service: 1979-2014

Osterkamp, Thomas E., Physics
Years of service: 1977-2000

Oswood, Mark W.,  Aquatic Biology
Years of service: 1977-1999

Otto, Antonius, Physics
Years of service: 1998-2014

Parthasarathy, Pragavaiyengar, Physics
Years of service: 1958-1980

Pearson, Roger W., Geosciences
Years of service: 1976-1998

Price, Channon, Physics               
Years of service: 1987-2016

Pulpan, Hans, Geosciences
Years of service: 1968-1996

Quang, Pham, Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1985-2002

Rees, Mahfred H., Physics
Years of service: 1975-1993

Reichardt, Paul B., Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1972-2007

Renes, Susan, School of Education
Years of service: 2007-2019

Roederer, Juan G., Physics
Years of service: 1977-1993

Romanovsky, Vladimir E., Geosciences
Years of service: 1992-2020

Romick, Gerald J., Physics
Years of service: 1951-1984

Roth, Michell Q., Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1983-2008

Ruess, Roger W., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1989-2020

*Sackinger, William (Bill) M., Physics
Years of service: 1970-1996

Sassen, Kenneth, Atmospheric Sciences              
Years of service: 2002-2014

Sedinger, James S., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1985-2001

*Sentman, Davis D., Physics
Years of service: 1991-2011

Severin, Kenneth, Director of Advanced Instrumentation Laboratory
Years of service: 1990-2015

Shaw, Glenn E., Physics
Years of service: 1971-2004

Sheridan, J.R., Physics
Years of service: 1964-1987

Shields, Gerald F., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1975-1999

Sivjee, Abas, Physics
Years of service: 1972-1988

Smith, Roger, Physics
Years of service: 1984-2011

Smith, Ronald, L., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1966-1999

Stamnes, Knut H., Physics
Years of service: 1988-1999

Stolzberg, Richard J., Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1978-2005

Stone, David B., Geosciences    
Years of service: 1966-1996

Stringer, William, Geosciences
Years of service: 1967-1999

Swartz, L. Gerard, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1958-1988

Swift, Daniel W., Physics
Years of service: 1963-1994 

Szuberla, Curt, Physics
Years of service: 1992-2021

Tape, Walter, Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1982-2004

Thomas, Dana L., Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1981-2015

Triplehorn, Don M., Geosciences
Years of service: 1969-1997

*Turner, Donald, Geosciences
Years of service: 1970-1988

Van Veldhuizen, Philip, Mathematics & Statistics
Years of service: 1963-1988

*Wallace, Wesley K., Geosciences
Years of service: 1965-2015

Watkins, Brenton J., Physics
Years of service: 1980-2011

Weeks, Wilford, Geosciences
Years of service: 1986-1996

Weller, Gunter, Atmospheric Sciences
Years of service: 1968-1997

*Wendler, Gerd D., Atmospheric Sciences
Years of service: 1966-1999

Wescott, Eugene, Geosciences
Years of service: 1958-1997

West, George, Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1963-1984

White, Robert G., Biology & Wildlife
Years of service: 1970-1999

Wilson, Charles R., Physics
Years of service: 1986

*Wilson, William S., Chemistry & Biochemistry
Years of service: 1947-1972

Wyss, Max, Geosciences
Years of service: 1991-2001