Thomas Kelly

Thomas Kelly


Research Assistant Professor

Biological Oceanography

2150 Koyukuk Drive
229 O'Neill Building
Fairbanks, AK 99775



Florida State University
Ph.D. Biogeochemical Oceanography
2020 ()

Florida State University
M.S. Oceanography
2016 (

Boston College
B.S. Biochemistry


Curriculum Vitae



  • Stephanie O’Daly (2021-2024) Ph.D.


Current/Former Lab Members

  • Amy Lauren: Filmographer and artist
  • Xavier Warren (former): REU and honor’s thesis
  • Amelia England (former): undergraduate technician



Kelly, T.B., A.N. Knapp, M.R. Landry, K.E. Selph, T.A. Shropshire, R. Thomas, et al. 2021. Lateral advection supports the oligotrophic ecosystem of the open-ocean Gulf of Mexico. Nature Communications.

Yingling, N., T.B. Kelly, T.A. Shropshire, M.R. Landry, K.E. Selph, A.N. Knapp, S.A. Kranz, and M.R. Stukel. 2021. Taxon-specific phytoplankton growth, nutrient utilization, and light limitation in the oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Plankton Research.

Kranz, S.A., S. Wang, T.B. Kelly, M.R. Stukel, R. Goericke, M.R. Landry, and N. Cassar. 2020. Lagrangian studies of marine production: A multimethod assessment of productivity relationships in the California Current Ecosystem upwelling region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125(6): e2019JC015984.

Fender, C.K., T.B. Kelly, L. Guidi, M.D. Ohman, M.C. Smith, and M.R. Stukel. 2019. Investigating particle size-flux relationships and the biological pump across a range of plankton ecosystem states from coastal to oligotrophic. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:603.

Kelly, T.B., P.C. Davison, R. Goericke, M.R. Landry, M.D. Ohman, and M.R. Stukel. 2019. The importance of mesozooplankton diel vertical migration for sustaining a mesopelagic food web. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:508.

Stukel, M.R., M.D. Ohman, T.B. Kelly, and T. Biard. 2019. The roles of suspension-feeding and flux-feeding zooplankton as gatekeepers of particle flux into the mesopelagic ocean in the Northeast Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:397.

Kelly, T.B., R. Goericke, M. Kahru, H. Song, and M.R. Stukel. 2018. CCE II: Spatial and interannual variability in export efficiency and the biological pump in an eastern boundary current upwelling system with substantial lateral advection. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 140:14–25.


  • Biological pump
  • Carbon export
  • Ecosystem modeling
  • Sediment traps


Research Overview

I’m an oceanographer and a research professor at the 51·çÁ÷¹ÙÍø. The ocean is an amazing place, and I am excited to share my science of the ocean with you. I study how marine ecosystems interact with their physical environment using state of the art tools including machine learning and biogeochemical models. My research is first and foremost observational, using physical samples and experiments at sea to ground both the hypotheses and tools I use. I then construct models of the marine system to learn more about how my data connects to other components of the ocean, such as the food web, and then to explore how the system works.

Ultimately I am always interested in learning new approaches and working together to build the next new innovation in earth systems and oceanography.



  • Northern Gulf of Alaska (NGA LTER)


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