Students Compete at Leadership Conference

In April, a team of six students from Students Offering Leadership Development (SOLD) traveled to the in Ontario, Canada to compete. The competition took place in Brantford, Ontario at Wilfrid Laurier University.

The competition required the students to complete six tasks using specific leadership techniques learned over the semester. All of the tasks focused on teasing a different part of the brain and the students had to use teamwork and leadership to solve each task. For each task, a randomly selected leader was in charge of keeping the team on point and leading the task. Therefore, each group was scored in two different categories. The first was an evaluation of the team as a whole - did they work well together, did they complete the task, etc. Then, the leader of the task was scored individually on their leadership skills and techniques throughout the task.

Though their team took last place overall, the SOLD students said that the competition was a great learning experience and they hope to compete again next year.